Lazor Wulf
Lazor Wulf (2019)

Lazor Wulf

(16 röstning)



Lazor Wulf has to be one of adult swim's best shows ever made. The jokes are well writen, the cast is great & the animation is spectacular.

This show is actually garbage and it baffles me shows like this exist when there are so many better alternatives they could support and air.

First seeking this on Adult Swim I thought it would be an action sci-fi animated show. It's actually a kind of an urban stoner animated comedy about a wolf with a laser on his back and was made by this guy Henry Bonsu.

I have an extremely mixed opinion on this show. I love the art and the character design of this show.

The show is fantastic. It's as subtle as The Office, drawn like a Chicago 90's hood acid trip, and it's just a great silly show.

I want to give this show a shot but, anything from adult swim nowadays either is unfunny or gross out humor. And no I'm not one of those people who is like "JUST BRING BACK RICK & MORTY" cause honestly I could care less.

And that's saying a lot as they have had some real turkeys. This show is about NOTHING.
