The Legend of Ben Hall
The Legend of Ben Hall (2016)

The Legend of Ben Hall

(20 röstning)




I thoroughly enjoyed the legend of Ben Hall from start to finish and the realization of the characters was true to life in every way from the outback scenery beautiful, the bush rangers on how they rode there horses to the police and the girl friends. The songs and dances in the pub was truly heartwarming as well and camping under the stars.

I've used this film for several years now, for high school Australian history classes. I always ask them to answer the question, "What led to (the ending of the movie which I won't spoil here!

Excellent detail in costuming, guns used, saddlery, style of buildings and scenery. Unlike most "westerns" the shooters in this movie actually missed more often than hit their targets and the black powder guns blew smoke and recoiled.

Fascinating. As a Californian, I have been enjoying Australian films for years.

There is nothing here that can be called a "Legend". This guy is a criminal and he got hunted down just like any criminal before him and after him.

I read review after review from Australians hailing this as having amazing acting, etc, but I couldn't get through 15 minutes of the horrible and unnatural acting. Great actors make you forget they are acting and absorb you in to the story.

This is a true story.In Australia 1864, Ben Hall (Jack Martin) wants to give up being a Bush-ranger (A bandit), but is convinced by his friend John Gilbert – aka Happy Jack – (Jamie Coffa) to give it one more go to make enough money to go to the United States.

Well researched accurate account of Ben Hall's last days. Great cast, director, etc.

Despite being a 'Kelly' man - Ben Hall's story had escaped me. I even missed the earlier ABC tv effort (yes, I was living under a rock!
